
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, at the gym, I saw this really pretty girl. Trying to impress her, I started lifting with heavy weights. One of the weights slipped out of my hand. I then dropped the other one, trying to make it seem like it was on purpose. I dropped the weight on my phone. I squealed. She giggled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 782
You deserved it 88 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoredOne 0

She must have giggled because she was so impressed by your ability to squeal.

Fuck34 0

Bad things happen when you show off. I'm surprised that's all that could have been worse.


omg!!!!! that's me he's talking about!!!! that's freaking awesome! a stranger thought I was really pretty.

She probably thought you were cute

You got the attention that you want. Isn't it enough?

Sounds like me a few weeks ago... The phone situation, anyway, not showing off for some girl

Dude, if you play it right you couldve still hit that, watch some old chevy chase shit and see how he does it, its surprising that itll actually work if you do it right

*beep beep beep beep* Oops, sorry. Thought I turned off my Douche-o-meter before I came in...

Giggle isn't bad. You can either show off or be funny. Maybe you are mire of a funny guy