I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack

By brokeandalone - 30/07/2013 05:09 - United States

Today, I noticed fraudulent charges made in Florida that nearly drained my bank account. After reporting the fraud to the bank, I returned home from a weekend away to find a note from my husband. He and his mistress have run off to Florida to start a life together, apparently at my expense. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 295
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That dickwaffle really deserves a punch in the face.

Chelsea_bella 20

Wow, that's not too smart of him.. He left a confession note to the crime and everything.


I can't just press the "Your Life Sucks" button cause this just takes the cake. I feel so bad for you and just pressing a button feels like I'm being a bitch.

shakile78 7

What a ******* asshole, I hope something bad happens to him. God that pisses me off

Wow. I hope he gets jail time! I pray for you

Germy2000 1

I'm so sorry for you, OP! I hope it works out! In the meantime, get the law into it? I'm not an expert in that stuff, but they might be able to do something about it. Your life doesn't suck, your ex does. Good luck!

Bludmagnus 13

FYL... but FHL more!!! Hope he rots in jail!

hunt down that fucktard and sue him for all his life is worth. thats ****** up beyond ****** up.

...keep that fraud-thing going, no way you're gonna pay for their shit...!