I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack

By brokeandalone - 30/07/2013 05:09 - United States

Today, I noticed fraudulent charges made in Florida that nearly drained my bank account. After reporting the fraud to the bank, I returned home from a weekend away to find a note from my husband. He and his mistress have run off to Florida to start a life together, apparently at my expense. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 295
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That dickwaffle really deserves a punch in the face.

Chelsea_bella 20

Wow, that's not too smart of him.. He left a confession note to the crime and everything.


lucky for you, the garbage took itself out. now you can look for a real man and be happy with him.

Not quite the identity thief story I was anticipating

Wow!! That really sucks. Not only was he cheating on you, but he stole your money as well. At least now you own a home in Florida.

You're turn to tag him and let him be it.

that was a bitch move for him to write a note. but now to have evidence to show the judge!

Ehem, If I must say, hopefully EX-husband*?

jman26 11

Ah Florida. The place where people kill unarmed teenagers and scumbags run off with their sanchas.

I'm so sorry. Haha I hope you get your money back. What a prick.