I am the passenger…

By northernlass - 01/10/2010 14:32 - United States

Today, I boarded a trans-Atlantic flight by myself, and struck up a nice conversation with the passenger across the aisle. Before we even took off, the man in front of me unbuckled, stood to face me, and asked me to please shut the hell up. "It's a 9 hour flight, and you're VERY loud!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 488
You deserved it 37 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments


The idea of talking loudly on a long flight.

I've been on a long ass flight like this before, loud people do get annoying after awhile


For someone to do this means your either very irritating or you just lack audible control. Either way totally your fault.

some of you guys are a ratard ha he said he was talking before the flight took off !! and for that guy that got mad tell him to suck a dick and put head phones on it's a free country bitch!!!!!! ha ha

hey twilight girl ... here's a thought you shut the hell up!!!

so did you stand up for yourself or curl up into a little ball like a bitch? thought so.

YDI. You need to show some consideration to the people around you and not speak loud. Loud speaking is annoying even on a bus, not everyone wants to know all the details of your private life. On a plane, during a 9-hours flight, it's even more annoying, because most people want to sleep. The person across the aisle was not that far, so you could have had a conversation while being decent and speaking in a low voice, which I hope you did.

Across the aisle? Even I would be irritated.

YDI for being loud and annoying on a long flight. It's bad enough as it is, and people don't need people like you talking loudly when they're trying to sleep or have important work to do during the flight. Move seats to next to them if you want to talk to them so badly

Trooth 13

Well at least he said please?