Hungry eyes

By choldcreations - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was eating pizza with my girlfriend. She got sauce on the corner of her mouth so I tried to be sexy and lick it off. It wasn't sauce, it was a cluster of zits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 456
You deserved it 42 042

Top comments

pineappleducki 4

how did you not notice it before she ate...?

pineappleducki 4


bigpapi210 0

that's just ******* gross, how could u not tell those were zits??

That's awful. You might as well kill yourself now.

Yes. Good lord, today it's a couple zits, tomorrow you might see her without her makeup on, the next thing you know you're banging a doppelganger of the post-meth Amy Winehouse. Note for the slow: Big ******' deal.

Soccerchick1703 7

Question: Why does she have "zits" around the corner of her mouth? I don't think thats the normal spot for zits.

Uh It's where your hands touch your face the most, its an orifice for bacteria with sensitive pores and tissue, why the **** am I explaining this.

beer01 0

Ew >:/ makes me wanna vomit. That's nasty.

alicia_was_here 3

you thought she got sauce on the corner of her mouth? werent the zits there before the pizza? YDI op, your an idiot.

YDI for licking someones face in attempts to be sexy? That's the stupidest way to be sexy i've ever heard....

Shae84 0

gross. I just threw up a little.

saranottelling 7

OP, you know just what the ladies want. That sounds as sexy as Justin Bieber.

sugarbabyxoxo 2