How could you?

By passedoutpolly - 01/08/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, I went to a huge rock concert. While waiting in a half a mile long line to get in, I passed out due to the heat. I regained consciousness to hear about a hundred people yelling and trying to help me. My boyfriend, who I went with, was not one of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 443
You deserved it 3 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments


He obviously doesn't care bout you then. haha or he was lookin for professional help


HelloSeattle 0

Lmao, Warped Tour, by any chance? I know they've been in Florida three times within the last week, and - god knows - when I went in Toronto the line up was at least a kilometer long.

I went to the one in Maryland and it took my friend and me an hour to get in, and we were in the middle of the line... just think about how long it took the people at the end. So I missed one band I wanted to see, but eh, nothing to cry over XD

Are you sure he's really your boyfriend?

FML_Add1cT 0

YDI for going out with an douche like him...

You need to dump him. Unless, you know, he passed out from heatstroke, too. Which I doubt. What an asshole.

a half mile long? sure you are not exagerating? ydi anyways for not being better prepared for the heat. and how long were you out there that you actually passed out...wimp. i work in 100+ degree heat for hours at a time and I've never passed out.

you're an asshole. people can't control when/if they pass out.

_cheeseballs 0

"a half mile long? sure you are not exagerating?" NO. Did you actually READ the fml!? It said 'I went to a huge rock concert' It's pretty clear right there that the que will be long. And you don't pass out because your body is used to it. "100+ degree heat for hours at a time and I've never passed out." Sure you're not exaggerating there mr 'macho' man? ;)

i went to warped tour and would say the line there was a good half a mile.. haha

Yes she did control that she passed out in this case, she said,"I passed out due to the heat. " which she could have obviously prevented by drinking water or something.

HelloSeattle 0

Yeah, at Warped it's ******* long.

A half a mile is nothing. Lines can get extremely long. I stood in a three mile long line at the Democratic National Convention last year.

famas48 0
jj732 0

warped in detroit? that shit was crazy. that suckks. edit or florida. nevermind.