Honk honk

By piemasterzim - 22/11/2012 01:20 - Canada

Today, I was messing around with my wife. I grabbed her boobs and said, "Honk honk". Unbeknownst to me, my daughter saw it. Now my 3 year-old girl runs around honking everyone. Even her grandparents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 054
You deserved it 31 992

Same thing different taste

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Seriously, OP, you're pretty lucky that's all she saw. She could've seen a whole lot worse. I would imagine she'll get over "honking" people pretty soon.

When my niece was 1 1/2, she would smack her hand on my boobs and say "Boobie boobie boobie boobie!" We told her right away not to do that and she stopped within a week.

Somebody needs to think a little bit more...

Iknoweverything 29

It totally turns me on when a man honks my boobs... said no woman ever.

That was my first thought, in what universe is "honking boobs" sexy or even fun?

53, in a universe when you have a sense of humour. It's not meant to be sexy, it's meant to be funny. If OP does indeed find it sexy, I worry for his wellbeing.

CharresBarkrey 15

53 - It's more fun for the guy than the girl, I would imagine.

They were just joking around! Come on people me and my husband do silly things like this all the time the difference (which cause a lot of FML's) is don't do whilst inside your lady.

I know, right? I was just thinking there'd be another FML on here... "I was having some sexy time with my husband, when he thought it would be a turn-on to honk my boobs. And, to top it off my three year old saw it! FML"

I can imagine if she's three she probably doesn't get very far because she's so small! How could she reach? Lol

She would have everyone to bend over for a surprise, when they do grab their boobs say honk honk.

frottiejoy 7

yeah because who would say no to a three year old who says she's got a surprise for you?

I've learnt in my short years on this earth that children are fascinated with boobies. No matter what gender.

One of the (many) reasons I dumped my ex was that he said 'honk' every time he grabbed my ****!

qirde_15 5

that's the best legacy you can leave to your daughter, and subsequently, your grandchildren.

perdix 29

You're saying she honked Grandpa's moobs?

I don't think she's tall enough to honk those. She most likely honked whatever was closest to her....

Don't go there if you're going where I think you are... 0-0