Home improvement

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, my son sprayed our white couch with Febreze. This would have been great, were the "Febreze" not actually black spray paint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 097
You deserved it 4 119

Top comments

Now all you gotta do is get white spray paint.

Yarrachel 16

Spray the rest of it and you'll have a black couch. Black is classy.


Make it a Jackson pollock couch by giving him a pack of sharpies

Rawrfearme96 5
slinky_29 2
hateevryone 14

That is not legit. What idiot confuses black spray paint with febreze. They look absolutely nothing alike. Most people on here just make up things that sound bad in hopes of getting an FML posted.

How exactly do you mix those two things up?

SamLiveFree_77 9

Go ahead and finish off the entire couch. New Black Couch! Problem Solved! No, but really FYL OP.

VicmahnFml 0

Spray paint should be kept in the garage away from children... Your a horrible parent

Let's hope this kid is under the age of 4, but when you think about it a 4 yr. old probably doesn't know how to use a spray can..... Wow.

Keep it like that.. It could be an awesome artwork piece.