Hogs gone wild

By NotoriousSRJ - 28/01/2011 15:43 - Canada

Today, I got pulled over by a cop. Since my window wasn't working, I opened the door, causing him to run towards me with a drawn gun. He then had a go at me with his night stick. After realizing my window was broken, he laughed and let me off with a warning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 286
You deserved it 4 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where I'm from, you would have been tasered, shot, body cavity searched, beaten, shot, fined for the broken window, laughed at, shot, and arrested for resisting arrest.

see the problem with gun control Is that bad people don't really obey the rules so then u have a whole bunch of armed criminals running around and decent people have no way to defend themselves


Virtually all Canadian police are issued sidearms. That's both RCMP and municipal police.

report him to the local police station of wherever you were, police shouldn't attack people unless they can clearly see that they have a gun

educated, veteran, and gun lover! my kind of gal! thank you for your service ma'am.

canadacat 0

this is not an fml, this is pretty awesome.

couldn't have said it better! **** the liberals, thugs, and general otherwise pieces of shit that make society the shithole it is today! they are the problems with this country and it's time the true Americans take it back from the idiots in charge and the thugs on the streets. it's time for some Marshall law!

absolutely dead on! ride along and get educated!