Hogs gone wild

By NotoriousSRJ - 28/01/2011 15:43 - Canada

Today, I got pulled over by a cop. Since my window wasn't working, I opened the door, causing him to run towards me with a drawn gun. He then had a go at me with his night stick. After realizing my window was broken, he laughed and let me off with a warning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 286
You deserved it 4 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where I'm from, you would have been tasered, shot, body cavity searched, beaten, shot, fined for the broken window, laughed at, shot, and arrested for resisting arrest.

see the problem with gun control Is that bad people don't really obey the rules so then u have a whole bunch of armed criminals running around and decent people have no way to defend themselves


I love how people use any excuse to comment about gun control. I am for gun control. I have control of my gun and am ready to use it if needed. I earned my concealed permit. It took some work and a clean record and now I can protect my family and myself. Just remember that if we outlaw guns then only the criminals will have them and death rate from violent crimes will go up.

this sounds like my friend Tyler, and we were just laughing about him having to open his door if he gets pulled over a few days ago.. this is ******. :P FYL dude.

Where I'm from, if u were to break into someones house, expect to be shot.

You deserve it. You NEVER open your door unless you are specifically instructed to do so. You sit and wait with your hands in plain sight. When the officer taps on your window to roll it down, you can signal to him that it is broken.

Interesting you should say this - here in the UK, you are supposed to leave your vehicle when you are stopped. It's all about territory - your car is an extension of your territory and if someone approaches/enters that without your permission there is a natural tendency to be aggressive. The public are more compliant and less aggressive if they are out of their vehicles.

wheeliepimpin 0

are you black? cause I'm black and that happens to me all the time!!! #feeltheburn

Though he screwed up this one time, I don't see why OP deserves to get flamed for getting beat up with a nightstick.

taserlase 2

as a police officer i will tell you what happened. when we pull you over, we have no idea what might or might not happen. so your always prepared for the worst. for all he knew you were opening the door and about to turn around and shoot him. next time simply wait until he walks up and tell him before you open the door.

taserlase 2

And for those of you who talk about gun control in your town and how you can open your door, thats all fine and dandy. but i hope that the disregard to their training that your officers are showing doesn't come back to bite them in the ass someday.

he didn't give you a ticket, what are you complaining for?