Helicopter parents

By sunny_funny - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - Cyprus - Nicosia

Today, I'm on a residential trip for 4 days with 72 children, 5 other staff, and 72 sets of parents who want to be on the phone to me constantly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 061
You deserved it 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, gotta luv dem "heliocopter parents," 'ey?! Sheesh! How old are the kids?

This is why my school had the rule that stated, "if you want to talk to them, buy them a cell phone," when it came to multi-day field trips.


OP, gotta luv dem "heliocopter parents," 'ey?! Sheesh! How old are the kids?

At least you won't be bored, or feel unwanted -- two of the biggest plagues in the modern world.

This is why my school had the rule that stated, "if you want to talk to them, buy them a cell phone," when it came to multi-day field trips.

Lobby_Bee 17

Isn't there a rule that limits the amount of children one staff can take? Seventy two children seems awful lot for six adults to supervise.

That's 12 students per adult. Lame for the adults but not totally absurd.

Sometimes I'm glad my parents didn't really care. I think they were just glad to get rid of me for a few days.