
By owowowow - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out how much it hurts to be shot with a paintball in your open mouth. My mouth was only open to say I was hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 699
You deserved it 7 714

Top comments


friggen idiot, dude theres a thing called a mask


kingcobradude 0

basic paintball gear includes mask

sarah17xx_fml 10

1st of all you have a mask when u play paintball. 2nd u put ur gun up for that I've been hit in the mouth with a paintball and I wasn't even in the game. FML

idiotbox44 5

that's what u get for taking your mask off idiot. also that must have been a sweet shot

boarder540 12

Have you ever heard of a facemask? It tends to help!

pfx2_fml 15

Always wear your mask, Noob...

Way to wear a mask. That's why they exist, to stop stuff like this from happening. Dumbass.

OnlyHorses 6

I got hit in my mouth too when I went paint balling it was my first time I was wearing a mask and the paint taste bad!!

termanator20548 0

Ydi, Theres a reason theres a law That says ypu have to wear a mask