
By owowowow - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out how much it hurts to be shot with a paintball in your open mouth. My mouth was only open to say I was hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 699
You deserved it 7 714

Top comments


friggen idiot, dude theres a thing called a mask


I loled.. I've only been shot in the forehead at point blank.. But that is way funnier!

I had this exact thing happen! he'll yeah it hurts and that shit is nasty!

36 Its not really like that. The paint should wash out of almost anything because it's like fish oil and not actually paint. Either way anyone who wears designer jeans and a nice shirt paintballing (I have seen this happen) does not know what they are doing and deserve to have them ruined. As to why people play the sport, it's mostly the adrenaline rush (why do people like roller coasters?). The bruises aren't bad. I played an 8 hour scenario game and got like 20+ bruises. It was one of the most fun experiences in my life.

bmboente15 0

thanks man I'm going paintballin tomorrow

madgoatcheese 0

keep your mask on dumbass. it should have hit your balls so you can't reproduce.

Celiath 4

couldn't you also hold up your gun above your head to signal your hit?

bt2breakskn 0

#11.seriously? ok fine I'll unload a full loader if 200 rounds at your head with no mask. tell me masks are for sissies. they're to protect you. there is a resin paintball is considered the safest extreme sport, and that's when the rules are followed. grow the he'll up:)