
By owowowow - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out how much it hurts to be shot with a paintball in your open mouth. My mouth was only open to say I was hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 699
You deserved it 7 714

Top comments


friggen idiot, dude theres a thing called a mask


that must have ****** hurt. but ydi for not wearing a mask.

I've worn a mask before, and the paintball hit in the ******* TOOTH.

Silkie 0

We get it, you're hungry. No need to eat the paintballs, no matter how colorful they are and how they suspiciously like jawbreakers. ^_^

the_flirtt 0

they do look like gumballs ?

ydi. wear a mask. its very dangerous not to..

apparently no one here has played paintball before. On a mask there are vents infront of your mouth so u don't fog up your lens while running, I'm sure they got hit in the vent and got sprayed in the mouth, I doubt he/she is dumb enough to not wear a mask while playing

it says it hurt. what you described just tastes really bad

Some people play with just the goggle part of the mask, so it looks similar to ski goggles. Another possability is that the person was shot under the mask's edge and paint got in their mouth. Either way, I agree abou playing without a mask being very stupid.

finally! I scrolled for 5 minutes looking for someone to have brought this up. he can still be a man, hell, he's a smart man. protecting his weak spots while saying "bring it, shoot me in the face, if you can!!" without having to worry about having to pay for it with his depth perception

Alted4 0

An addendum to your comment: Some people will roll up the bottom part of JT ProFlex's

torrlynn37 0

you deserved it for not being careful while your playing paintball.

where I live the masks only covers your eyes

Hahaha. Honey, he was talking about paintball masks. You know, the topic of the FML. If someone said, "Hey, it's really hot today," would you think that was about you too?

Silkie 0

You can't see her forehead in her pic because her forehead has an odd red spot in the shape of a hand on it.

#80, that's the hardest I've laughed in a while. Kudos. :D

#80 = Win of the day =] + most coolest (I know it doesn't make sense but i don't care) pic of the week!

the_flirtt 0
Silkie 0

Haha :D Thanks #82 and #104 ^_^ #111 The mask was for a masquerade I went to :]

talb1 7
wufwufwolf 0

yeah... his ghost is saying "****** my life"

bmendez619 4

you totally deserved it should have worn a mask