He's a keeper

By mariana - 08/02/2014 00:18 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I decided to ask the guy I like if he'll be my Valentine. I wrote the question on a piece of paper and passed it to him, trying to be cute. He read it, wrote his answer with a smile, and passed it back. It said, "Depends, do you swallow?" No, no I don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 690
You deserved it 10 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's better you not be with a guy like that. There are better guys out there for you. Keep your hopes up OP and good luck.

Well it would be a very awkward dinner if you didn't swallow anything.


Should have said yes lol. It's really not as bad as prissy girls make it out to be. :p

I don't see why everybody is saying he's a jerk and that she deserves better. It was a joke, does no one understand that?

skittyskatbrat 19

Correct response? "Looks like YOU will never find out." And then give your female friends a heads-up on this. If he's perfectly happy viewing females as sex objects and nothing more and blatant enough about it to write in on a note for you, it's one of two things. He either has a terrible sense of humor...or he's a guy the gals will want to avoid. Best to let the others know before one of them ends up fighting off Mr. Hands or worse on a first date.

Lmao OP you should take him. If he's your valentine, do anything for him. In fact if he wants gaping anal, give him that too.

Well you know they say the difference between love, true love, and showing off is spit, swallow, and gargle.

What a complete jerk. You deserve someone way better.

agtxero 2

Sounds like someone's bit a team player

Well, honesty is not appreciated any more? Since they discovered they are not on the same page, they should be fine separately.