He's a keeper

By mariana - 08/02/2014 00:18 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I decided to ask the guy I like if he'll be my Valentine. I wrote the question on a piece of paper and passed it to him, trying to be cute. He read it, wrote his answer with a smile, and passed it back. It said, "Depends, do you swallow?" No, no I don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 691
You deserved it 10 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's better you not be with a guy like that. There are better guys out there for you. Keep your hopes up OP and good luck.

Well it would be a very awkward dinner if you didn't swallow anything.


You now know that he isn't the guy for you

Hey, at least you learned immediately that he was a douchebag, instead of wasting the time dating that loser!

bk64 9

I'm glad to see that there are girls who aren't completely crazy for assholes

Well if it was a sarcastic smile and he was joking it's just a really bad attempt at humor, but if he was serious, he's a dick.

Hopefully he was just joking and has a very weird sense of humor.