
By blue - 25/08/2012 21:59 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my swimming coach made us swim fifty laps non-stop as punishment for his previous class being unable to swim a drill properly. They're 8-11 year olds who are still learning to swim. I feel like my arms and legs are filled with lead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 230
You deserved it 2 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KingCeltic77 18

What an ass. Either way he's the teacher, it's his fault they can't swim.

ciumegu 6

Look on the bright side at-least you are building some muscle


maybe practice 50 laps repeatedly til it becomes a piece of cake, and when you get punished with 50 again itl be a piece of cake;)

hes an ass for taking his angery out on you but 50 laps is nothing. buck up

kaitkat14 1

During winter break my swim team does fifty fifties at 5 am, which is basically king down and back 50 times at 5 in the morning. This is followed by an entire regular practice.

Moonfist 1

50 laps is quite literally half my warm up. Don't complain, it should only have taken you about 10 minutes to finish. Even the little kids on my team can do that no problem.

No one's impressed by your imaginary accomplishments.

At first I thought it said "fly laps continuously." Be thankful it wasn't butterfly...

Even in a long course pool, 50 laps is not that bad.

He's punishing your class for something another class couldn't do?

Oh, please. Try doing a special edition 100 100's practice, consisting of 400 laps. In a row. Ten second breaks if we are lucky between every 20 or so laps. And that is when coach is HAPPY.