
By screwed - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was teaching a woodshop class. We were using power tools, including drills, and pieces of pine wood. While helping a kid to hold a piece to practice drilling, he went too far forward with the drill. It went through my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 219
You deserved it 12 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess wood and penetration aren't always a good thing.

u know, there are safety rules to avoid such things, haven't u learnt from ned's declassified school survival guide lol


#44 that was waaaay to funny! Obviously it didn't get ur hand u right or type with, I bet it was painful thi. FYL

seriously? with a drill? behind a piece of wood? i mean i've stabbed myself with a drill hundreds of times, but thats because it bounced. what on earth made you think you should put your hand in the way of a drill? it like crossing you arms using a saw. just really dumb.

You can't be too good of a teacher if you're sticking your hand in the path of the drill. YDI.

boatkicker 4

YDI for having your hand in a place the drill could go. First thing anyone learns when working with power tools is you don't put your hands in the way REGARDLESS of whether the tool is supposed to go that far. You you wouldn't put your hands under a saw blade because you don't plan on cutting that far same rule applies with drills.... and elecrtic sanders.... and nail guns.... and EVERY POWER TOOL IN EXISTENCE. You put your hand off to the side of where they are supposed to be drilling, not underneath. That way, if they drill too far, its just too big of a hole and not a hole in your hand. Yes, there is still a change you'll get hit with the drill if they like, move it or whatever, but they wont drill through you. I'm nervous about the fact that you're teaching woodshop if you don't know basic safety rules.

morgan020 0

haha plex that's awesome. op that really sucks. you should have used some clamps or something. or just not let you idiot students use power tools just yet. maybe start with a screwdriver and hack saw :)

your a teacher and you had your hand in the line of a drill YDI, i hope someone else teaches these kids proper safety procedures before one of the kids has an accident

sgaske 3

You know what makes FML so funny? Not the FML's anymore. They lack originality. It's the droves of people who argue over FML's, insult each other, etc. Who are you people kidding? Anyway, way to type with one hand OP.

...You held your hand directly in line with a drill, while said drill was in the hands of someone who doesn't really know how to use it.... Well done.

boatkicker 4

hell, even if the person did know how to use it, its still stupid

To those people who said YDI... I agree with you... You're a TEACHER, you should know where to hold the wood so that when your students begin drilling, your hand doesn't get drilled through either. How you managed to get to teach the class when you don't even know the basics.

LOOOOOOOL musta taken ages 2 type with one hand

boatkicker 4

lol. depends on he hand maybe. I can type either the normal way with both hands or with my left hand. Not so good with typing right-handed-only, even though i'm right handed