Gym bro

By kaplwv116 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my extremely in-shape boyfriend told me he hasn't had a chance to work out lately. I jokingly poked him in the belly saying he's getting chunky and winked. He burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 054
You deserved it 41 204

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

It's funny how if this was a guy doing it to his girlfriend, people would be insulting OP to no end.. Instead people are mocking the boyfriend. No one likes being called chunky, or fat. Especially if he's one of those people who work really, really hard on their bodies.


judices 0

Hmmmm does steroids ring a bell??? or he's just a complete Fagget

Fagget: British def.: A cigar. US: A hated homosexual. Southpark Def: people who ride Harleys.

don't tiese the fatty. hey spelling and grammar tool dosent suck ass.

j_cat - no. Just, no. Please stop commenting forever. Love, Everyone

WallyTheWombat 0

Did he butcher that sentence on purpose?

Ach, mien Gott!! The bastard doctor lives! It's been hell without you around.

Never date someone who is to in shape, all they do is talk about their body.

in that case, never date people who are vegetarians or vegans either. all they do is talk about animal rights and all that other bs.

That's not true and I'm guessing you're not in shape since you're trashing the people who are.

McAninch35 9

"Never date fat people, cuz all they do is talk about food." Stereotypes are stupid, no matter what.

ohcomeonsrsly 6

lol the interesting thing about stereotypes though is that they came from somewhere...... they are accurate often enough to stay alive as a stereotype. that being said, I only condone stereotypes in harmless jokes that people shouldn't take too seriously.

ReynshineCutting 10

Being around bodybuilders on a regular basis, I know how narcissistic they can be, however they don't spend every second talking about their bodies. They talk about their bodies, food, supplements, and the gym just like anyone else would with a hobby or job they're really into. For most of them, bodybuilding is a second job. Trust me, I'm married to one. He's in the gym 4 days a week and poses in front if the mirror every night, and last year his buddy lived with us (who is freaking huge) so I know what they're like. They do have lives though too so it's not all they talk about. Besides, it's well worth listening to when you're with such a sexy man ;)

Shadow4i5 3

my gf is hella skinny n she talks about food all the time

confusey 2

Maybe he should work on getting his emotions in shape..

sxe_beast 11

I'm not sure why, but your buff ****** comment made me think of blue waffles =C *dips head into acid*

why are u ppl asking if he has a penis? just because he has a penis doesnt mean he wont cry quit being ignorant!

everybodyluvsMEN 0

Man, why you so ign'nt? stop being so ign'nt!

we are all basically saying that OPs bf needs to man up and grow a pair of balls and a penis and quit acting like a emotional wreck of a woman

And you, 84 need to stop acting like the insecure douche that you are. Some people are sensitive about their looks and maybe you shouldn't say something ignorant just because you're insecure with yourself.

More like, "In Soviet Russia, boyfriend insults you." It's not funny 'cause it's true. Where did poke come from?

Disregard "Where did poke come from?".

iAmScrubs 19

Body Builders are very sensitive about their body. Pauly D may look like a tough guy, but deep down he enjoys lollipops, rainbows, unicorns, and impaling Teddy Bears onto spikes.

Atleast he's not afraid to show emotion.

well if it were about something else I'd agree with you, but he's crying because he's "getting a little chuncky."

kaitlynnmarie97 0

I agree with you. at least he's not afraid to show his emotions