Gym bro

By kaplwv116 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my extremely in-shape boyfriend told me he hasn't had a chance to work out lately. I jokingly poked him in the belly saying he's getting chunky and winked. He burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 054
You deserved it 41 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

It's funny how if this was a guy doing it to his girlfriend, people would be insulting OP to no end.. Instead people are mocking the boyfriend. No one likes being called chunky, or fat. Especially if he's one of those people who work really, really hard on their bodies.


beerisnot4kids 0

Hahahah wow. YDI fir being inconsiderate even if it was a joke people still have feelings. think before u act

ohcomeonsrsly 6

there's no way she could have thought that he would burst into tears. he has issues if good-natured teasing hurt is feelings.

jassi101 5
jeffreybean 3

i think he has taken estrogen instred og his doping :D

DeadxManxWalking 27

never joke like that to any man or person really. nobody likes jokes like "oh your getting fat" when they feel like they're in a normal average shape and they accept it.. just say "you look fine just the way you are"

killah23 2

we don't have the same boyfriend...right? haha just kidding but seriously. I know what you mean.

FoxDragonGL 3

Strangely enough, this has happened to me before. Way back in high school, my (now fiance, then boyfriend) was a complete was actually laughable to even suggest he had an ounce of fat anywhere. But I made a joke about his belly, and he surprisingly got upset and teared up. I felt terrible and apologized and I've never made another joke like that again. I guess guys are just as self conscious as girls. 0-o It surprised me.