Great idea

By aridaley - 21/05/2011 23:33 - United States

Today, I got piss drunk. Being a tattoo artist, I came to the intoxicated conclusion that I could save much more money doing my own tattoos on myself. I now have my ex-boyfriend's name permanently on my thigh. It's not even spelled right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 534
You deserved it 64 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never drink alcohol again, please. You obviously can't handle it. YDI.

Even intoxicated, why the hell would you want an ex's name tattooed on you? That's a different level than piss drunk stupid.


Ink over it. thats what my friend did after somebody gave her a shitty tattoo. it hurts but it's worth it

monnanon 13

Well aren't you a special bunny OP. maybe next time you should lock all your tattoo stuff away when you drink to save yourself from more embarrassing episodes. Or maybe get rid of the stuff altogether to save other people from you.

Psygod 2

First of all there are coverups. Second of all, all the tattoo artist I know don't pay usually for their tattoos anyways... You sound like a dumbass who bought a machine online and now thinks that they're a tattoo artist. Hopefully being riddled with crappy tattoos you did to yourself will discourage anyone from being stupid enough to get tattooed by you.

KaskStunter 4

Artists always do the most weird things...

You're a tattoo artist. You should be able to cover it up fairly easily. Just make sure you are sober this time.

u obviously still have feelings for him but YDI

heddurhowza 1

I don't understand why the majority answer is YDI. OP was drunk, can you control yourself when drunk? No, so it was an unfortunate incident, and hopefully OP learns to lock her stuff up next time, but FHL

fmaon06 10

So you can't control yourself at all while you're drunk? Seems like someone shouldn't be drinking then. Of course everyone will have stupid ideas while they're drunk, but you should be able to process what you're doing and decide whether or not that's the best action for you in the future. It's no excuse when people say "Oh, I did that because I was drunk..." for stupid pranks or cheating or whatnot. You should be able to think about the future when you get the urge to act like a drunken fool.

kitsune3 20

Um, heddurhowza, YOU ARE AN IDIOT. It's ydi because OP CHOSE to get drunk. It's not like she involuntarily downed enough alcohol to make her qualify as drunk. Next time think a little before you post a comment, brainiac.

"Today, I got piss drunk. Being a tattoo artist..." SETUP FOR FAIL.

Man, this really sucks. I would say YDI, but I think the consequence outweighs the action... FYL

"Today, I got piss drunk." YDI. Immediately. So. Immediate.