Great idea

By aridaley - 21/05/2011 23:33 - United States

Today, I got piss drunk. Being a tattoo artist, I came to the intoxicated conclusion that I could save much more money doing my own tattoos on myself. I now have my ex-boyfriend's name permanently on my thigh. It's not even spelled right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 534
You deserved it 64 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never drink alcohol again, please. You obviously can't handle it. YDI.

Even intoxicated, why the hell would you want an ex's name tattooed on you? That's a different level than piss drunk stupid.


Just find a guy that's name is spelled that way! ;D

Damn, if you're that stupid (even while it was in a drunk mood) I wouldn't ever want to get a tattoo from you... You're really messed up.

No offense to the OP but you really did deserve it if you can't even spell 'spelled' correctly. It is 'spelt' not 'spelled'.

Zombieslayer1 0

#5 and some of the rest of us covered that. They are both words but it just depends on what form of English your used to using.

Zombieslayer1 0

Hey, it could have been a lot worse. You could have woken up to find "I ****** Matt Damon" on your thigh.

I do tattoos on myself ... but I'm not that stupid to do tattoos while I've been drinking. and I think you may need a babysitter when you drink. YDI

you do have the other option of tattoo removal but it's really painful u can smell the skin burning but it's better than living with a mark that was a mistake

juliette320 0

just get it covered up with a better tattoo. and maybe rethink your career choice, that way you won't put stupid shit on your body in permanent ink..

Doc, rye bother getting all hopped up about it? You oat to save your breath. We quinoa-t expect the barley literate to use a dictionary. They won't change just to appeas us; they'll stay amaizingly dumb lentil they realize the cold, hard flax: Ignorance is a tough row to plow.

That was supposed to be a reply. I feel sorghum right now.

juliette320 0

I'm honestly confused right now. (:

monnanon 13

Shes using different versions of grain to replace words because spelt is a kind of wheat as well as how we say spelled in Britain and possibly some other places.