Great idea

By aridaley - 21/05/2011 23:33 - United States

Today, I got piss drunk. Being a tattoo artist, I came to the intoxicated conclusion that I could save much more money doing my own tattoos on myself. I now have my ex-boyfriend's name permanently on my thigh. It's not even spelled right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 534
You deserved it 64 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never drink alcohol again, please. You obviously can't handle it. YDI.

Even intoxicated, why the hell would you want an ex's name tattooed on you? That's a different level than piss drunk stupid.


What the **** that's really crazy. Do yourself a favor and stop drinking.

Cause that's possible with your ex's name tattooed on your thigh...

YDI for drinking too much :( I respect that you enjoy drinking but dont overdo it!

WompWompWomp123 7

As a tattoo artist, you should know that getting a tattoo while intoxicated is pretty much forbidden. This FML deserves one big fat YDI.

shakethat 10

it's not against the law or anything. calm down. tons of ppl get tatts while drinking get over it. op is still a dumbass for getting his name though

WompWompWomp123 7

I never said it's against the law. It's actually a health hazard. Go learn something.

he never said it was illegal, he said it was PRETTY MUCH forbidden, and it is. any decent artist would turn away someone under the influence. they do it for a few reasons. 1) alcohol thins your blood, not only is that hazardous to the person being tattooed, but it can mess up the tattoo. 2) drunk people do stupid things 3) to avoid being sued.

69, please stfu already, quit trolling fml's.

Jenna_Tell_Yuh 0

69, is your picture two girls?

jdawg2010 0

#19 I thought you said "this FML deserves a big fat one.

Coccinelle_fml 15

I'm sorry but that's just stupid.

don't b sorry this is a pure idiot for putting her self into that situation!!!

michaelm1290 23

This is what happens when you party with Charlie Sheen.

have fun explaining that when/if you get it removed or covered up.

as long as op doesn't get drunk and cover it with the boyfriends portrait!

MuffyStJacques 0

Let that be a reminder for the next time you decide to drink.

YDI. Stupid actions involve stupid consequences.