Grasping at straws

By lulumars - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally confronted my mom about how I felt about her three divorces. She then explained that she went through the divorces because I failed to keep the house clean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 541
You deserved it 2 717

Top comments

"Damnit the house isn't clean, honey were getting a divorce!" I don't see a logical thought process


How is cleaning the house your job?

your mom just doesn't want to take responsibility for her relationship choices. Learn what not to do from her. good luck op

This is literally my mom in a nutshell. I know exactly how you feel. Sorry OP, sucks.

hmrhoades 18

Her tomb stone is going to say "Ross Geller: Three divorces"!

Did she possibly mean that your continued mess, and lack of helping clean the house caused one (or more) of the divorces? It's either that, or she was just snapping back at you for being rude enough to "confront" her about her past / personal relationships. YDI - you have no idea what went on in these relationships to cause the divorces, and really have no right to confront your mom about that shit.

Lol cmon OP can you come up with a better FML story than that? Seriously this too fake to believe.

classic case of Freudian projection

PizzaElHutt 7

Are you kidding me?! What an excuse... It doesn't make any sense!

Good parenting ftw! At least you know what NOT to do... -.- Sorry about the verbal abuse you've endured. :(