Gift ideas

By suckishbf - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend's present to me was that he actually flushed the toilet AND put the seat down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 443
You deserved it 6 877

Top comments

iSitt 0
FFML_314 11

At least he didn't leave your birthday present in the toilet.


Birthday advice! Get a new boyfriend. O_o. They're cheap.

it only counts if he remembers to that every time from now on lol who wouldn't flush before that's just nasty, the seat down now that's progress ;)

dancerNsinger4li 0

awww what a sweet boyfriend....(cough) Not

mrmerino 0

awesome boyfriend :p happy birthday, I guess

why are you dating a guy with bad bathroom habits? get a new boyfriend.

I was going to comment about the not flushing the toilet thing. I mean - who does that?? but then I saw you listed your location as "New Jersey" - and then it all made sense. YDI it for not only living there, but for dating a guy from there.

Mega Dittos. That's the most courteous act I have heard coming out of New Jersey. It wouldn't matter to most New Jersey women since they never use, or least never sit on, a toilet.

the economy is bad, haven't you heard?

if that's the best he can do for your birthday why are you still with him. I have no sympathy for people who date jerks the complain about it.

sounds like its time for a new boyfriend

Yep, it figures. Such a class act could only be celebrated in NEW JERSEY.