Gift ideas

By suckishbf - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My boyfriend's present to me was that he actually flushed the toilet AND put the seat down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 443
You deserved it 6 877

Top comments

iSitt 0
FFML_314 11

At least he didn't leave your birthday present in the toilet.


sincerely331 0

What more does she want from him? How about a REAL present for starters? Her birthday only comes once a year. Shesh, cheap ass ppl these days

at least he remembered it was your birthday.

Qluz 3

roll over... speak! good boy!

that is a wonderful birthday present take a picture

lol. He shouldn't have to put the seat down for you. If you expect him to put it down for you following his every use, you should take the 0.5 seconds to put it up for him following your every use.

I would say 0.6 seconds. I measured mine and it’s accurate. 0.6 seconds.

thats not a very good argument, if you expect someone to do something in most circumstances you should be prepared to do it occassionally. Not if you expect me to do it, do it yourself!

This is a tired argument. The only solution is that both parties put the seat AND the lid down after they're done. Keeps ya from dropping things in too.

Yeah, like children. I've dropped 15.73 too many a newborn in the toilet due to the seat and/or lid being up after use in my day. There should really be a PSA warning people about the dangers of dropping newborns in toilets.

Yeeessss. Change your partners every time you piss or shit. No wonder your face is so “happy”.

sounds like my uncle! he thinks it a saintly act to lift the seat!