Get away from me

By Jinthebar - 06/05/2009 04:13 - United States

Today, I was at a bar talking to a very attractive young woman. I began to see that she wanted me as she pulled closer and closer. Eventually she pulled me in and licked my ear lobe sensually. She then said, "I wanna break your collar bone" in a seductive tone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 147
You deserved it 7 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mmm. Kinky. Though I'm more of a traditional kinda guy. I only let them break a finger or a toe on the first date.


man what a crazy bitch haha...did you run?

summersun 0

lol... that's creepy!!! run like the winddd

wow thats ******* hot! no. 60 you can break my collerbone any day. by the way the dude that wrote this fml is a total wuss! please mate an 'attractive young lady' does somthing like that, you better not have turned her down!

couragewolf9001 0

I want to meet this woman. I want to meet her and I want to fight her. At the conclusion of our match, we would proceed to have sex so rough, that our story would be used for an episode of Law & Order: SVU.

thats kind of hot and #10 had the best reply IMHO

Erinx3 0

dude that's hot. stop whining, she probably ***** like a tiger