George the Cat

By AnonCat - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Vegreville

Today, my kitten tried jumping into a hot oven, a dryer, a dishwasher, a toilet, and a fish-tank. Curiosity is going to kill my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 635
You deserved it 3 761

Top comments

laughtersplay 14

It still has 4 more lives left. No worries.

Live fast, die young. At this rate, curiosity will kill the kitten long before it becomes a cat.


Cats crave warmth. How cold is it in your house that your cat would risk it's life to be warm?

Toilets, fish tanks and dishwashers aren't warm, although dishwashers can be. So if it just wanted warmth, it definitely wouldn't have climbed into the toilet and fish tank.

TheyCallMeDamien 17
bodychex 5

Next time try to find a cat that isn' Special.

Steve95401 49

Keep your cat away from sharp objects and balconies on tall buildings.

lol my cats were like that when they were kittens. itll wear off and they will calm down. keep a close eye on them until it does.

Take him for a ride in the dryer... That should fix him. If not, then you got you one dumb pussy!

it's indestructible! it's a god damn Jack Bauer cat. (always sunny reference)

So curiosity really does kill the cat.... Oh the irony

sgtcxelite 11

Do you close the dishwasher every time you turn away while in the process of unloading or loading it? How do you immediately shut the oven door when both your hands are full with a hot pan? Do you somehow grab ALL the clothes out of your dryer the first try?

My kitten is the same as OP's, and it jumps into the dishwasher, dryer and washing machine as I'm filling and emptying them. It's kinda hard to fill or empty things while keeping them closed...