George the Cat

By AnonCat - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Vegreville

Today, my kitten tried jumping into a hot oven, a dryer, a dishwasher, a toilet, and a fish-tank. Curiosity is going to kill my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 635
You deserved it 3 761

Top comments

laughtersplay 14

It still has 4 more lives left. No worries.

Live fast, die young. At this rate, curiosity will kill the kitten long before it becomes a cat.


Don't worry because the cat came back, the very next day, the cat came back, thought he was a goner but he couldn't stay away~

At least everything you described has a lid or door to keep your kitten out of harm's way. Hopefully those animal instincts kick in soon. 'Til then, kitty proof your home. :P

I have a pretty adventurous pussy myself, she's always getting into trouble! She's done all of those things at least once, and then some... Poor little Midget.

oj101 33

Don't worry. A cat has 9 lives. It still has 4 lives left.

Erm.. Maybe it's trying to kill itself to stay away from you? If so.. That will be really fyl!!

rhcpgurl 18

I dont think its curiosity, you made your cat suicidal somehow.

How did it even get the opportunity to jump into most of those things?

FMLoverAgain 7

It'd rather die than to live with you

Feed him lots of food so he becomes too lazy to do anything. *Like my fat cat.. Whose adorable.*

Fat cats no not just cats, animals are always adorable.

Indeed they are, except for the ones on those animal shelter commercials... I mean theyre cute n' all but.. So sad.. Always have to mute the music... Those commercials have a passion for playing the saddest violin music EVER.

By the age of sixteen, I would expect that you would be capable of creating a complete and understandable sentence....

yeah OP, I feel your pain. My kitten's done the same thing since the day he got here. i think our cats are trying to tell us something.