George the Cat

By AnonCat - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Vegreville

Today, my kitten tried jumping into a hot oven, a dryer, a dishwasher, a toilet, and a fish-tank. Curiosity is going to kill my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 635
You deserved it 3 761

Top comments

laughtersplay 14

It still has 4 more lives left. No worries.

Live fast, die young. At this rate, curiosity will kill the kitten long before it becomes a cat.


No worries, satisfaction will bring him back. ;)

I think you're cat has a death wish!

That's Ohkay. That's only 5 lives, she's still got 4 left!

Or the cat is trying to commit suicide…

One of my cats jumped onto a burning stove, another ate a whole shoelace, another got a grass seed stuck in her eye, and the other ate mouse poison. They're all still alive.

you know what they say!! curiosity killed the cat!!