Freak out

By Brooke - 09/08/2009 15:23 - United States

Today, my skin was turning black, and I believed I was reacting to a spider bite. I spent 4 hours waiting in an emergency room in the middle of the night, paid a $100 copay, and missed a night with my boyfriend just to have a doctor wipe dye from my brand new black jeans off with alcohol. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 937
You deserved it 57 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seriously have never has the dye from your pants get on you before?

Yeah. There is. If you're supposed to be one color and you turn another color, that usually indicates that something isn't right. That's my "I'm speaking to a two-year-old" answer for you, though I suspect you were referring to racism.


you thought you were turning into spiderman didn't you. Well no!

TylersBoo 0

once you go black you never go back !

Well better safe then sorry, right! It sucks but what can you do!

you should have washed them beforehand and that would have never happened.

Did you get bit by a spider prior or was it just a feeling but either way FYL

Any spider bite that is enough to cause necrosis (when your skin rots and turns black) would have an extremely painful bite. Also, how the hell do you mistake ink for rotting flesh?