Founding father

By YouAssholes - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Anaheim

Today, my band members and I were brainstorming ideas to help increase our fanbase. My drummer suggested they replace me for someone attractive. Everyone agreed and now they're trying to kick me out of the band I started. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 308
You deserved it 3 873

Top comments

Bands can be pettier then middle school girls. Amazing how a close group working towards a common goal turn on each other if things aren't perfect.

For someone attractive? Really? Make your music attractive, fans will follow.


What kind of band are you in? The Jonas Brothers or some pussy shit? That's messed up.

If you started it it's YOUR band. All you need to satisfy their theory is one or two really good looking people. You need to start the ball rolling. Replace the drummer first.

Did you invite people who don't like you into your band?

Start playing a genre where people care more about musicianship than looks, like sludge metal, jazz fusion, etc. Stay away from the Asking Alexandrias/Nickelbacks/other mainstream commercially oriented stuff so it won't just be a beauty contest.

dukie420 4

Why don't you just play better music, that's like the biggest part of having a band is to sound good

AlmondEyes95 5

Damn. You should boot their assets if they wanna play it like that. I doubt they would appreciate the shoe being one the other foot.

We'll u have the power to end the band before they can kick u out of it if u started it