For science

By Anonymous - 28/04/2009 11:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I was eating cereal and decided to warm it up to see what it tasted like. So, using a candle in the room I placed my spoon over the flame and waited to see if it heated up. Pleased with my silly experiment, I put the spoon back in my mouth. I now can't talk because of my swollen tongue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 755
You deserved it 250 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What are you, an idiot? Why wouldnt you use a microwave? I use it all the time with my cereal, its too cold sometimes and hurts my teeth. 10 seconds in the nuker is usually enough.


Hey OP. Darwin called. He said you failed. He said you're not allowed to have children because you're so stupid that you aren't allowed to pass on your genes.

This might be the dumbest FML I have ever read...

Totally agree with #10 I can't imagine anyone doing this if not high. I've never heard anyone admit to doing something so dumb.

Sucks to be you. I know my tongues' tough enough to handle hot metal.

#1 FTW, heating something in a spoon by flame is something NOBODY does, unless you're on heroin

I agree with #33 this is completely stupid

A7X5989 0

hahahahahahaha YDI but it made my day haha

chasity270 0

lots of people still has candles,its a pretty good idea so if the electric goes out and the batteries are down in your flashlight. As for the spoon that was just stupid did you think a big peice of metal was not going to get hot over fire???

moron. microwave it. ive done it oh btw without the spoon cus then youre double the idiot for burning yourself with a heated spoon, and then microwaving metal objects.

blapimp182 0

I hope you were high! If not, I agree with #29!