Food flight

By ashley_skillz06 - 24/01/2010 05:21 - France

Today, I went to a Japanese restaurant. While the chef was throwing food at us, I was getting ready for my turn. He tossed a piece of broccoli at me, I leaned back to catch it, completely falling off my chair. I knocked everything over and had the packed restaurant laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 358
You deserved it 7 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The chef was throwing food at you?? Holy shit! I want to go there!

kkleiberg 0


Aaaaaaaahhahaha that brings back memories of family dinners at Hibachi! Something hilarious has happened each and every time. Last time, a shrimp fell down my mom's shirt. The first time we went, my brother learned the hard way that fire can burn your eyebrows. xD

CyclonePsycho 1

._. I love these kinds of restuarants like I love breathing, but that just sounds dangerous. What, did your brother stick his face right into the fire or something?

Yeah, pretty much. He was fairly young the first time we went, so he was really curious about the big shiny cooking surface. I guess he thought it was a mirror? He barely moved his face away in time when the chef lit it up.

it coulda been it couldnt ;)

and then every person forgot about it 5 minutes later...except for the people you were there with, who will never let you live it down.... no big. just laugh it off :D

Well, hibachi/teppanyaki like this isn't *really* traditional...I work at a traditional restaurant and we hate it when people ask us for hibachi-style meals - we don't serve it there and a lot of people can't seem to accept that it's not the only style of Japanese food besides sushi... Don't get me wrong, it's good, and it's fun, but it's not *traditional*. :) Closest thing you can get is nabemono, where we make food at the table for the customers, but it's more like hot pot where you put everything in a pan or pot and cook it, sans entertainment of course. It's still delicious though!

Stunts are for the professionals to perform, OP. Seeing as they're not allowed to throw food directly at you with the exception of certain circumstances (or they'll face legal consequences), you either asked for it or are full of bull. Try again.

well, if you can't laugh at yourself once in awhile... :P

tigger0jk 0

YDI for not knowing the difference between a normal japanese restaurant and teppenyaki

RyanZhang22 1

hehehehe... were you at a place called wabisabi? cuz if u were, then I think I saw u, and it was the FUNNIEST SHIT I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! hehehehe... epic pwned... BITCH!