Fair enough

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Dallas

Today, my long-term boyfriend insisted on me going down on him. When I asked what he would do in return, he said, "I was thinking McDonald's." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 439
You deserved it 5 406

Top comments

If you like McDonald's, then I see no problem. Or you could do a 69, you would both get something at the same time. Its a win win either option!

Doesn't quite sound like a win-win situation.


I think it sounds like a good deal. I'd totally go down on my gf for McDonalds. It would be great to go down on her, lie in bed and take a nap, and be woken up to free food. Maybe some mouth rinsing out in between, but you get the idea.

theladysman 1

tell him that will not work if you go down on the pole make him go down on your hole tell him its not a one way street

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me! Of course, if you wanted him to return the favour, you should have told him so instead of just complaining afterwards. ;)

sandinthewaves 5

What? Is that not a fair trade?

sandinthewaves 5

What? Is that not a fair trade?

I dunno, man... mcnuggets and fries... they have some pretty awesome fries. (on a more serious note, it seems that the OP is blowing this a little out of proportion, because it seems like something one would do in good humor.)

Epikouros 31

This is why I get to go down on as many straight guys as I like... in return for nothing but a warm protein shake.

graphicstyle7 17

All har-de-har har comments aside... your boyfriend is selfish. Tell him so in no uncertain terms. You deserve to be treated equally in the sack. Maybe it's time to change boyfriends!

At least make him buy off the value menu. Not the dollar menu!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

I hope you walked out on that note.