Easy mark

By supermanj76 - 04/05/2009 02:12 - United States

Today, a man came up to me and asked for a $50 bill in change. Being a good man, I said sure. I gave him the change and he gave me the $50 bill. After walking into Starbucks to buy a coffee, I handed the cashier my $50 bill. She called the cops. It was counterfeit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 883
You deserved it 23 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha oh man that guy was clever. Sucks for you though. Hope you can find him and kick his ass!

Lesson learned: NEVER EVER change money for someone you don't know! Tell them to go to a shop or bank and change the money there. If they don't want to, you know why. Besides, if he was going to buy something with that money he would've had change automatically. No strangers need be involved. YDI for not using your common sense.


tictoc_fml 0

wait. #94, how do you tell the difference between real and fake bills?

Holding them up to light sometimes works, to find certain indicators. Sometimes a strip, sometimes a face (of Washington, I believe).

Wow that is sad... Just makes you not want to be nice, and start disrespecting/not trusting people in the real world anymore. You don't deserve it though, you only tried to be nice and you couldn't have been suspicous. I feel bad for you dude sorry. I hate what this world has become :(

i had a dream last night that i sold drugs to a guy and he paid me $100 in counterfeit money. thank god it was a dream. sucks for u tho

I don't know if this has been mentioned already, but to those asking why anyone would need a $50 changed - at least in Canada, we've been having a serious enough problem with counterfeits that most stores won't accept $50s or $100s anymore, as they're by FAR the most counterfeited bills... and yet the bank still gives them out to people fairly often unless you specifically ask them not to. I realize the guy got scammed, and probably shouldn't have, but I could see plenty of perfectly legitimate reasons for wanting a $50 changed, since most stores won't take them anymore, and you're not always right next to a bank, especially in smaller towns (notably tourist destinations, where the counterfeits are often laundered.)

sb_rph 0

sux for you dude, but who gives change for a fifty to a STRANGER?? not i

One of the oldest tricks into the book. Don't let it happen to you again.