Double standard

By Sara1990 - 23/08/2010 11:40 - Australia

Today, I went on a double date with my bestfriend. At the end of the night, her boyfriend gave her a long kiss, and texted her 5 minutes after we left to say he missed her already. My boyfriend picked his nose, then gave me a fist bump as a goodbye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 353
You deserved it 7 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoyBeyond 0

Wow really YDI. Stop comparing your boyfriend to other people its wrong. I hate when people do that. If you don't like the way your boyfriend acts tell him, ever thought of that. If his attitude doesnt change dump him.


yagurlteeteexoxo 0

OP next time shove your fist up his ass.. Jk, but if you not happy with the way he treats you talk to him and if he doesn't improve, then maybe you should dumb him.... He could've @ least hugged you...

She might not be telling us the full story. Maybe he didn't hug her because he'd be seeing her again in a second, like, they weren't saying bye, only the other couple were? Or maybe she just made up that he didn't atleast hug her. :S But I mean, he doesn't have to make out with her like her other friend - perhaps he thought it'd make their friends feel uncomfortable and he's not an exhibitionist.


I think it's time you and your boyfriend have a little talk... It's perfectly fine to let him know what you want as far as how you would like him to show you affection. If nothing changes, leave him and move on. A boyfriend "fist pounding" his girlfriend is NOT okay, you are not one of his "buddies".


Actually, there is a time for fist bumping between bf's and gf's... If you're having fun, playing beer pong or something fun or joking around, that's a giod time for a fist bump. But if you're on a date, that's time to be romantic and sweet. :-) There, your bf just had bad timing, can't be mad at him for that.

lawlius 0

Your boyfriend is a Bro. Hers is a pussywhipped homosexual. You'll win in the long run :D

..or her friend's bf wants to get laid.. just saying


... I hope he washed his hands before fist bumping you???

YDI for dating someone like your boyfriend. You must know who you are dating, yet expect him to be prince charming like that's going to happen. Either dump him and find someone better or stop complaining and accept that your boyfriend is not a romantic type.