Double life

By Anon - 14/10/2010 08:00 - United States

Today, after a small fight with my girlfriend, I started to miss her, so I typed her name into Google on a whim. Surprisingly, I find a link to a blog in which the owner describes his ongoing effort to seduce my girl. During times she told me she was alone. Thanks babe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 835
You deserved it 3 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP just reply on that blog and talk about her raging herpes infection haha

perdix 29

The owner of the blog was dumb enough to use your girlfriend's full, real name in his posts? He made it too easy for a cyber-stalker like you.


That's no big deal. A gf googled me once and came up with some past info that we had fun talking about.

Sakeyaki 0

you know that thr girl on that blog could be another person with the same name, right?

kosherkraut 5

13- its one thing to not tell your boyfriend when you're seeing a friend, its completely different to tell him you're alone when you're really with another man. That's just straight up lying.

Omygosh, give me her name! I want to see it ! :p

thizzl3ear 0

she wasnt lying just not tell you everything... she was alone....along with another man dirty tramp....haha btw can i have her number? jk (but really can i) hahaha seriously kidding yeah ummm FYL

Who the hell uses alone as a synonym for single? "Hey, do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?" "Nope, I'm alone." Doesn't that sound WEIRD? I HIGHLY, HIGHLY doubt he meant single. He was using alone the correct way as in by herself, when she was not physically with him.

Instead of assuming things why don't you just call her and ask her?? If she denies it then ask her if she knows the guy from the blog you read. I don't know just a thought :)

winslow310560 0

stalking your girl friend on the Internet is creepy and she's just dirty for doing that behind your back and letting someone create a blog about her messing around. Please don't have children with her!

You're assuming she knew. If I found out some guy blogged about his attempts to seduce me, I'd flip my shit and refuse to speak to him again.

YourWelcome(: Haha jakay, I'd never lie to my boyfriend, I'm a good gurlieee(: