¿Dónde estás?

By Anonymous - 09/03/2015 14:24 - Spain - Zaragoza

Today, an old friend of mine landed in Spain, where he's visiting me. After a few minutes talking about where we should meet, we realized the reason he couldn't figure out where it was, was probably due to the fact that he was in Barcelona. I live in Madrid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 877
You deserved it 4 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance

What I'm wondering is how they didn't notice this when they were planning the friend's trip...


Well since this FML was posted from Aragon, which looks to be about half way between Barcelona and Madrid, I assume that you managed to find a middle ground and all is well. And hey, at least your friend managed to land in the right country. =)

how do you get someone to fly across the world to see you when i can barely get a friend that lives down the street to see me

You posted your comment under the wrong category,Sherlock!

crazytwinsmom 25

They may have been planning a romantic visit.

That should then come under the love category !

He should communicate with you before visiting you

Let him do some sightseeing while he is there. Barcelona is a fantastic place

How does this even happen? Who flies somewhere without knowing where they're going?

Contestants on the Amazing Race. Some of the places they go have the most bizarre pronunciation.

This is the epitome of poor communication skills...

mewtwonow 24

Tell him to stay to watch the Real Madrid vs Barcelona match he'll be thrilled