Don't worry, IQ ain't real

By snathans - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took one of those IQ tests on the internet. I cheated and still got a 70. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 371
You deserved it 80 010

Top comments

YDI for cheating, and also for thinking that internet IQ tests are even remotely legitimate. Did you also get a free Xbox?

Ouch. How did you manage to do that? Like epic fail. No offense. Actually, it was prob the site. Anyone who can work the internet has greater than 70 IQ.


Sounds a lot like a Seinfeld episode I saw last week..

Those online Iq tests are only made so you pay ******* 1.15 for a text telling you your fake iq, so YDI

Aera_fml 0

Online IQ tests are NEVER accurate. They either make the score really low or really high. Plus, if it does not ask your age, you can tell that it is complete bullshit. The IQ test I took in real life was not judged by time, though I believe there was a time limit. I took one once (that supposedly inflates your scores) and it was still lower than my real IQ. Pfffft.

ohhhhshizzz 0

well its not like those internet tests have anything to do with anything real. so you might as well not worry about it. but are you some sort of idiot?

xir0nm4n 0

#16 i wouldn't call this an Epic Fail. But A definite fail.

mylifeisFML56 0

Try taking it again see what happens

megs8907 0

Does anyone else besides me think this is a dumb FML?? How did it even get posted? YDI for even thinking this is a FML moment...

DStro 0

Maybe you're so dumb, you don't realize that you're letting everyone here know how dumb you really are.

22_fml 0

wow i didn't even think it was possible to cheat and still get a 70. but really you must be really stupid.....

YDI Karma and Wikipedia is not a cheating resource. Epic Phail