Don't worry, IQ ain't real

By snathans - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took one of those IQ tests on the internet. I cheated and still got a 70. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 371
You deserved it 80 010

Top comments

YDI for cheating, and also for thinking that internet IQ tests are even remotely legitimate. Did you also get a free Xbox?

Ouch. How did you manage to do that? Like epic fail. No offense. Actually, it was prob the site. Anyone who can work the internet has greater than 70 IQ.


obviously....the score is also based on time first!

YDI for believing that crap, and YDI for being a dumbass.

Ouch. How did you manage to do that? Like epic fail. No offense. Actually, it was prob the site. Anyone who can work the internet has greater than 70 IQ.

UnearthlyEnemy 9

Tch. It's a timed thing. If you look it up, it'll lower your score.

jrkarikas 0

it has to be fake. anything 70 and lower is mentally retarded.

That's not necessarily true number 2...

SilenceIsSilver 0

Haha that's cute! Just don't look em up next time x3

"Anyone who can work the internet has greater than 70 IQ." I don't know about that; I've seen my fair share of morons on the internet.

YDI for cheating, and also for thinking that internet IQ tests are even remotely legitimate. Did you also get a free Xbox?

M0rt 0

Real IQ tests are legit. Random ones on the Internet are usually bullshit

All IQ tests are pointless. The formula is mental age over physical age times 100. By that system any children who develop slightly faster would be considerd genuises and a 60 year old could complete the test with the same answers of a 40 year old and still get a lower score. By no means can you judge someones intellegence with one of these tests. It may be able to compare you to your age group, but it it overlooks many factors that could come into play during testing.

alex_vik 0

Must not have cheated real hard.

Yeah he prob just used online sources. That's why I decided to keep a pocket Asian. They Are perfect because they fit perfectly since they are so small. LET THE STERIOTYPES BEGIN!!!!!!!!

Then you probably cheated to get the wrong answers?

qwertyuiop8989 0

Isn't that considered to be mentally retarded?

Online IQ tests mean nothing. I've took one before and got a 30. I wouldn't be able to take the test if I were really that mentally retarded.