Dogs are people too

By Seriously? - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out my ex-boyfriend is still obsessed with me. Apparently he's named his dog after me and talks to her like she's a real person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 263
You deserved it 6 589

Top comments

Does he kiss the dog like she's you, too?

I once named a Pokemon after an ex girlfriend... Of course it was magikarp denoting how much of a "dead fish" she was in bed.


It doesn't affect you. I hope talking is the only thing he does to the dog.

skittyskatbrat 19

Sounds like he's your ex for a reason.... And if information about HIM is being relayed to YOU, information about YOU is being relayed to HIM. Might be a good idea to have a talk with your friends and acquaintances about this.

Well will you consider him again? But I think since he is an ex he's done for...

Sounds like he can't afford a Real Doll. Dogs are cooler anyway.

Doesn't everyone talk to their dog like they're a real person?

Are you sure the dog doesn't have a mechanical necklace giving it the abillity to speak??

Maybe he named her after you because she is also a bitch

A lot of people talk to their dogs/cats like they're people. You should see me talking to my cat--who isn't named after anyone. As long as he isn't hassling you with calls or emails, why do you care what your ex names his dog? F *his* life that he can't get over you.