DMV blues

By usadisvet - 02/04/2015 06:43 - United States - Loudon

Today, at the DMV, I was told I had to prove, with a doctor's note, that I was an amputee and that my disability was permanent to get my placard. Apparently, placing my prosthetic leg on the counter wasn't proof enough, and is considered "threatening". The police were called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 261
You deserved it 2 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if there's a policy, an employee should be given the authority to accept such cases without abiding by the policy.


They probably needed the note to be sure the doctor didn't say you couldn't drive at all. If you were an asshole about it, depending on how much I would have let the police deal with you instead too.

This is just like the veteran who had to have an X-ray taken at a VA hospital to prove he was an amputee, recently. Didn't know doctors needed to see a leg that wasn't there on an X-ray to prove that.

It's Tennessee...You're lucky they didn't shoot you for being disabled.

Where did you get the notion that would happen? Sounds like you got a thinking disability yourself.

& wtf is your problem with Tennessee? You are obviously an ignorant person who believes in pre-conceived notions without knowing anything about the true subject matter. Can't say I'm sorry I don't know anything else about you, tho. You've told me everything I need to form an accurate opinion. What a waste of human flesh . . .

snarkytruth 37

Should have asked the a note from THEIR doctor proving they're blind. Maybe they needed proof they can keep on file or scan. Your prosthetic would have been a little too bulky. Calling the police claiming you were a threat was overboard . Unless you were waving your prosthetic at them screaming, they didn't have a leg to stand on. :)

#34 I didn't see that. I'm sorry. I feel like a douchbag now. it was supposed to be a sarcastic joke but it failed. I'm sorry

Not really sure what OP being a vet has to do with it. IF for some reason the clerk felt threatened, OP being a vet doesn't make it less threatening and also doesn't mean that OP automatically isn't an asshole (not at all saying he is, just that assholes can be vets too). I'm actually more likely to feel threatened knowing someone is a veteran because of all the training they would've been through. If they DID want to beat me up, they definitely could.

#50 there's no need for you to apologize I was in the wrong

#54 obviously a missing leg is proof!! if that would threaten you then you're pathetic.

middlenamefrank 8

Handicap placard fraud is rampant, and totally lame, so I guess I can understand why the DMV has a policy of demanding proof. But come on....ONLY a note from your doctor qualifies as proof??? That's even lamer than using a fraudulent placard!

Yeah, I feel there should be a 'visable' disability clause. Seems like a waste of time and resources to prove a missing limb is a disability.

You should have clocked the attendant up side the head with it. How about a little dang respect

This *MIGHT* be why the clerk felt threatened in the first place.

Thanks for serving our country, OP. I guess prosthetics are equipped with threatening auras that the cops are needed.

That does seem pretty stupid and like a total overreaction. But depending on how you were acting before you put the leg on the counter, you might have scared the employee if you where very angry?