
By Alone - 21/05/2014 11:05 - United States - Washington

Today, I finally had a date, my first one in well over a year. Everything was going good, until my date asked, "Do you like cats or dogs better?" When I responded cats, my date promptly got up and left, saying, "This isn't meant to be." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 400
You deserved it 12 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess being a crazy cat lady is in your future.

That was immature. I'm a cat person too, but I wouldn't instantly hate someone just because he liked dogs more.


1dvs_bstd 41

Chances are he was gonna be a monumental dick anyways, so I'll say you dodged a bullet.. *grabs popcorn* for the cat vs dog comments. This should be fun.

I agree, he probably was just using OP's answer as an excuse to end the date anyways.

why is everyone making cat jokes in the replies lml

1dvs_bstd 41

Did i make any cat/dog joke/pun? cause i'm oblivious.

Stop with the dogdamned puns already! On a more serious note, does anyone like both cats and dogs as much as each other?

It's pretty close for me, but I have to admit that I am just a little, tiny bit more picky about the personalities of cats than dogs.

RedPillSucks 31

I like them both, unfortunately, my wife is terrified of cats, so.... sigh....

Have both, love both. Cats are much lower maintenance while dogs are well.. there's little that makes me as happy as seeing my dog splashing in the water with that big dumb dog smile on his face. I can't really say I prefer one over the other because they're both awesome pets that fit into different lifestyles.

I got lucky that my boyfriend loves cats as much as I do. Would it affect my love for him if that weren't so? Absolutely not. I'm not opposed to the idea of having both dogs and cats in the house, just as long as they aren't excessive. That said, there could be another reason your date is oppose to cats. Maybe an allergy? Either way, it was harsh to diss you and then leave.

Wow what a weird thing to do.. Don't feel too bad though OP, they seem like they have issues and wouldn't be worth the trouble :)

If he left over something as stupid as that then he obviously isn't worth your time. You'll find someone someday and I'm sure he'll love cats!

Why is everyone assuming OP is a girl just because they like cats?

Because her date was a guy. Automatic response is to assume OP is a girl.

Nowhere does the FML mention the date's gender. It simply refers to the person as "my date" and never uses "he" or "she."

It also doesn't even say how the OP got that long awaited date. Was OP the one that asked out or accepted?

Because it is generally assumed that guys like dogs better than cats. I don't know why though.

If your preference for cats was a deal breaker for him, I'd say he wasn't worth your time anyways!

Let me guess; your date was the owner of the dog that randomly attacked the kid on the tricycle.

badluckalex 23

that kid was so lucky to have a guardian angel... err.. cat to save her