
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, somebody ordered pizza and sent it to the house across the street from them, so they could shoot at the pizza guy with an air-soft gun from the upstairs of their house. I was that delivery guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 295
You deserved it 2 330

Top comments


Say "Screw you" Then casually eat the pizza in your car

Then you would have to pay for the pizza..

puppy23 3

Wait till your shifts over, go home, get your gun, go back and blow them away or just burn the house down. Whichever's easiest.

smump 0

Thats how kids get shot by the police... those kids are gonna get airsoft banned.

You watched family guy before? You need to learn from him.

I feel your pain buddy. I delivered pizza for a few years while I was in college. The only thing I learned was people are assholes.

I suggest repaying them in full, but with a paintball gun, airsoft is for *******!

#23: I've played both and I've gotten hits in paintball I hardly noticed and hits in airsoft that stung like a bitch, and vice versa. They can both be sore - neither is meant for wimps.

Mister_Triangle 21

Yeah , this constitutes assault. OP should definitely call the cops on them; they were even dumb enough to shoot from their house.

onorexveritas 23

should came to my house ;) lmfaojk

Capt_Oblivious 10

For God's sake, protect the pizza!! What assholes, shooting at a perfectly innocent pizza like that. Bastards!!