By Hunter101 - 12/05/2012 04:24 - United States - Humble

Today, I took a picture in front of my bathroom mirror and posted it on Facebook. When I checked it later, it had 20 comments on the picture. I was feeling good until I read the comments and looked at the picture again. I'd left my vibrator on the the bathroom counter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 549
You deserved it 64 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you were feeling good vibes for another reason.


I hit you deserved it when I read I went to the bathroom to take a picture to put on Facebook. Did you make a duck face before or after you noticed your vibrator in the background?

kyle515 3

Lol, i was wondering whats your FB ID. i really want to check that pic

darkforever_fml 1

At least you know how to have fun, boyfriend or not! Don't feel to bad, I'm sure most of the adult population have toys, or at least use their hands if not other objects. They just don't tell people about it, and if they don't use anything, boy they must be so miserable, and up-tight.

I hope it was one of those fancy ones and not just a hard plastic one. You wouldn't want people to think you were a cheap when it comes to masturbating.

lowie89 7

I've actually seen a picture like that being passed around on people's walls hahaha maybe it's you!