D.A.R.E. to say no

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I accidentally texted my mother instead of my drug dealer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 968
You deserved it 55 561

Top comments

You: I got 60 bucks, that's enough for three grams, right? Mom: Three grams what, sweetie? You: Three grams of kisses and a cup of love, Mom

You deserve it OP. I hope your mom gets you help to stop your drug use.


it's probably for the best hope she gets you some help if you're heavily addicted or just be more strict if you do it just for fun

Just for fun isn't any better. Only take prescribed medication from a FDA aproved distributor.

Like the fda actually gives a shit what is good for you

No, that fellows right just for fun isn't any better, you're still equally stupid.

i never thought id say this to anybody but....you might be smokin a lil too much. let off the gas a little

get help. just.. get help. really,... get help dude

there is nothing wrong with drugs. I'm am a functioning member of society and I am a habitual cannabis consumer and I dabble in psychedelics. keep on keeping on

"Nothing wrong with drugs." Lmao. Tell that to all the people who's lives have been ruined by addiction as well as the lives of their loved ones.

I think the drugs might be messing with your head a little more than you'd hoped!

YDI for doing drugs. You deserve anything you get for doing drugs. And you even admitted it online? Real smart. /facepalm

Maybe its a sign that you should be texting your mother instead. Get help. "My drug dealer" should be in nobody's vocab.

Switch phone to airplane mode real fast before it finishes sending and it won't go through for future recerence