D.A.R.E. to say no

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I accidentally texted my mother instead of my drug dealer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 968
You deserved it 55 561

Top comments

You: I got 60 bucks, that's enough for three grams, right? Mom: Three grams what, sweetie? You: Three grams of kisses and a cup of love, Mom

You deserve it OP. I hope your mom gets you help to stop your drug use.


uhm... Christmas time, drugs, wrong person that happens to be u'r mom .. take that as a holy sign ... quit drugs !

No mom I swear everyone at the gym calls protein shake snow or grass depending on the blend. The good ***** hard to come by, you need to know people.. Lol

shit happens for a reason. just be honest with her. good luck op.

your fault for doing drugs. I hope you get help.

Well idiot that's what you get for doing drugs YDI entirely

Haha take some of The white powder for tonight Honey its not Snowing outside?!

I've done that before, sucks for you OP.

Luckily for me they are the same person.