D.A.R.E. to say no

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I accidentally texted my mother instead of my drug dealer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 968
You deserved it 55 561

Top comments

You: I got 60 bucks, that's enough for three grams, right? Mom: Three grams what, sweetie? You: Three grams of kisses and a cup of love, Mom

You deserve it OP. I hope your mom gets you help to stop your drug use.


ChildrenOfFilth 12
sailorarctic 22

Well instead of calling you a druggie like others on this thread, I'm going to say be careful with drugs. I don't know how many times you've done drugs before, what kind of drugs they are and whether or not you're an addict. I've smoked weed once or twice before but I'm not considered a "druggie" because I'm not. Same thing applies here. Just look who you're texting and be careful.

OP has a 'dealer' I think it's safe to say habitual use is implied by that.

BDA_fml 5

And that's why they call it dope!