
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Virgin Islands British

Today, I saw a picture of my creepy uncle and me on Facebook, which he had captioned "Me and my woman," and posted several lewd comments on. I guess he forgot I'm his friend on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 139
You deserved it 2 519

Top comments

brittk23 0

Everyone has that ONE creepy uncle right?


abby_abomination 0

Hahahahha nearly pissed my pants

Incest is not the best. But it is relative.

yoyo2309 7

i see old people are still as creepy as ever but i suppose you could take it as a compliment cause he called you his woman so i suppose he could be saying ur good looking but i suppose i would prefer a compliment from someone my age

Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby?

Lizzy500 16

Apparently being dropped on one's head knocks all the punctuation out of the brain.

It's amazing what people put on Facebook, forgetting who can see it. One of my friends posted a long, negative rant on Facebook about the place where I work, apparently forgetting that 1. I work there and 2. I can see everything she said. The worst was that she was completely, 100% wrong. I commented on her post to correct her inaccuracies but it was amazing how many people had posted "those *******" and the like, despite the fact that she didn't know what the hell she was talking about. So thanks to one of my friends, a bunch of her friends think me and my colleagues can't get anything right when SHE was the one who had it all wrong.

isis_morrigan 18

A long rant kinda like the one you posted? Not the place to whine about random bullshit, it's supposed to be comments on the post. And not as in, oh it said Facebook, so my pointless rant is related!

Wow, you are a bona fide idiot. The FML is about someone posting an untruth on Facebook, forgetting that the subject of the untruth could see it. My story is about someone posting an untruth on Facebook, forgetting that the subject of the untruth could see it. Like that was hard to figure out.

Uhmm. Maybe you should tell someone about this..? LOL.

K_kanaka 26

Family reunions r gonna be very awkward.

babykillaseason 0

You must have some pretty interesting family parties...